Ambition EST 2030 : a roadmap for propelling Quebec to the forefront of the electric and smart transportation industry by 2030

Published on 23 June 2022 Propulsion Québec Press release

Montreal, June 23, 2022 – Propulsion Québec, the cluster for electric and smart transportation, is announcing Ambition EST 2030, a roadmap for the electric and smart transportation (EST) industry developed in partnership with Deloitte. This innovative project addresses the urgent need to establish a plan to accelerate long-term development of sustainable electric and smart mobility. The policy addresses the entire industry and will position Quebec as a global leader in the EST sector and contribute to the fight against climate change.

Ambition EST 2030 was developed with over 200 collaborators who mapped the industry and identified areas for growth and high-potential initiatives that will give Quebec a strategic position in the North American market by 2030. The innovative and unique roadmap is structured around eight strategic themes linked to key action areas and contains 225 concrete initiatives that will be carried out by Propulsion Québec and a range of other players in Quebec’s EST industry.

The themes and concrete actions will:

  • Theme 1 – Develop a world-class talent pool
  • Theme 2 – Stimulate the development of innovations with strong commercial potential
  • Theme 3 – Lead the EV transition effort in North America
  • Theme 4 – Accelerate infrastructure deployment
  • Theme 5 – Foster collaborative and secure data management
  • Theme 6 – Boost simulation, experimentation, and testing capabilities to become a global leader
  • Theme 7 – Facilitate access to capital and funding opportunities
  • Theme 8 – Leverage the battery industry to support EST growth

In order to track progress and completion of roadmap initiatives, Propulsion Québec has developed an online dashboard that is available on its website to anyone interested in the status of electric and smart transportation. The dashboard allows stakeholders to report on project progress to keep the EST sector mobilized over the next eight years and monitor Quebec’s entire land transportation industry.

The project was made possible thanks to support from the Government of Quebec’s Ministère de L’Économie et de l’Innovation and Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, Desjardins Group, Hydro-Québec, IVEY Foundation, Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, Deloitte, and ISEQ.


Quebec already has superb resources and a long list of strengths in this sector. The roadmap is going to consolidate all that potential. The whole industry now has a clear and actionable plan for developing innovative technological solutions that will make Quebec a global leader in EST.  It’s no surprise that EST represents an opportunity for Quebec to reduce GHG emissions, improve transportation and mobility, make our businesses more competitive, and boost a key sector of the economy. We hope Ambition EST will establish Quebec as a model for innovation by strengthening our sector’s economic, social, and environmental impact while helping the Quebec government achieve its goals.– Sarah Houde, CEO, Propulsion Québec

Propulsion Québec’s roadmap for mobilizing our sector and accelerating development of electric and smart transportation in Quebec fits squarely with the forward-looking initiatives on transportation electrification announced in our government’s 2030 Plan for a Green Economy. We are pleased to support this new interactive platform, which will provide industry, government, and academic stakeholders with strategic information to accelerate this innovative sector.– Benoît Charette, Minister of the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change, Minister Responsible for the Fight Against Racism, and Minister Responsible for the Laval Region

Transportation electrification is not only essential for reducing GHGs, it also provides opportunities for innovation and sustainable economic development for Quebec businesses. By partnering with Propulsion Québec, we’re positioning ourselves to offer the best possible support to our members during the shift to EST. In fact, we’ve already installed over 300 EV charging stations in parking lots at caisses and corporate buildings across Quebec and Ontario.– Mathieu Talbot, Vice-President, Business Services and Corporate Banking at Desjardins Group

Congratulations to Propulsion Québec and its partners on Ambition TEI 2030. Hydro-Québec will continue to pave the way forward for electric mobility.– France Lampron, Director of Mobility at Hydro-Québec

Every action counts towards reducing GHG emissions from transportation, and this plan to accelerate development of sustainable electric mobility shows that local stakeholders are really stepping up. The electric and smart transportation sector is a key player in the economic development of the CMM and I’m delighted that this roadmap will help us reach the objectives we set in the 2022–31 Metropolitan Economic Development Plan.– Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal and President of Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal

« The Propulsion Roadmap charts a new pathway for decarbonization and economic development in Quebec. It offers a compelling vision of Quebec as a world-leader in the industries that will shape our net-zero future. Its scope and ambition – covering smart transportation, electric vehicles, and the battery value chain – is unrivalled. Canada needs this work. The roadmap provides a powerful example of how to do industrial strategy in Canada. Other net-zero industries have much to learn from the vision and the bold action plan on display here. » Bentley Allan, Associate Professor of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University / Resident Fellow, Transition Accelerator.

More information:

Claire Maynadier

Director, Communications and Public Relations

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