
Our daily life is influenced by the Internet of Things (IoT) without our necessarily being aware of it. The transportation world cannot escape it. For example, an increase in intelligent sensors has contributed to the emergence of the autonomous vehicle industry. Connected objects also enable the possibility to offer a multitude of services such as real-time detection of traffic conditions and traffic lights, equipment and infrastructure failures, and a better journey to users of transportation methods.

The significant use of big data and artificial intelligence in transportation also highlights the importance given to data security and cybersecurity threats. Training to equip ourselves for these challenges is thus essential for the future development of the electric and smart transportation sector.

The newly created certificate in industrial Internet of Things trains specialists skilled in acting effectively in an IIoT environment, with an important dimension given to security. They will learn how to analyze and develop innovative ecosystems and harvest the potential for improvement to which these applications will lead. They will also learn how to analyze large quantities of data generated by the IIoT and use them to create commercial value. These specialists will also be able to implement a solid ecosystem security plan.

The courses offered as part of this certificate deal especially with industrial controls, telecommunications, artificial intelligence, megadata and cloud computing. Special attention is given to IIoT network security, as well as detecting attacks that could affect it.


The certificate in industrial internet of things is directed to students who already have certificates in IT network cybersearch, cyberfraud and cybersecurity as well as new students from organizations in the telecommunications sector, financial institutions, Internet access companies and suppliers, and all public and parapublic companies.



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